Submit a PDC
A cornerstone of STEP is connecting second-year students with meaningful co-curricular experiences on campus that support their personal and professional development, build skills, and provide opportunities for personal reflection. Prior to March 1, all STEP participants must register for, attend, and reflect on their participation in two PDCs of their choosing. We invite you to contribute your programs and events to our PDC Calendar. We are seeking programs, workshops and events that support students in one or more of the following developmental themes:
- Career Preparation
- Inclusive Community/Global Citizenship
- Digital Literacy
- Discovery Themes
- Information Literacy/Academic Success
- Health and Well-being
- Leadership Development
We also ask that presenters indicate the skills/competencies that students will enhance by participating in your session including:
- Communication
- Critical Thinking
- Self-Discovery
- Ethical Decision Making
- Interpersonal Engagement
- Global Citizenship
While you are welcome to submit existing programs that are already planned, we ask that the PDC be principally applicable to second-year students. The program may be open to other ranks of students, but we want to ensure that the content is particularly meaningful to those in their second year. To ensure a strong link and transition between the first and second years, we have actively partnered with the First Year Experience (FYE) and their First Year Success Series (FYSS). Note that many students have attended introductory programs through the FYSS, so STEP PDCs should explore topics at a deeper or more advanced level as they relate to developmental needs in the second year.
Campus Partner PDC Submission